About the hotel

The details of the hotel

Name: limited liability corporation «URAL TAU»

Legal address: 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa city, Gogolya street, building 72, floor 2, apt. 203

Office address: 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa city, Gogolya street, building 72, floor 2, apt. 203

Taxpayer Identification Number / Tax registration reason code: 0275923356 / 027501001

Primary State Registration Number: 1200200051435

Russian Classification of Economic Activities: 55.10

Name of the Bank: PJSC "Sberbank"

Current Account: 40702810406000014758

Correspondent account: 30101810300000000601

Bank Identifier Code: 048073601

Phone: +7 (347) 200-8-111

Email address: info@ural-tau.com

Director: Shaykhlislamova Gulsina Fagimovna